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F51 yeast for Grodziskie


Rekomendowane odpowiedzi

+1, really nice yeast.


Also take a look at Wayermann's oak smoked wheat malt for grodziskie if you haven't already. It provides great results when used as 100% of the grain bill.

Edytowane przez Oskaliber
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Originally Grodziskie wasn't lagered, but it was clarified with isinglass. Today we are usually using gelatin instead which is widely available, easy to use and efficient.


You might be interested in checking out this document:


Some things might look needlesly overcomplicated for today brewing, but you can find some interesting info there anyway.

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many thanks oskaliber for your comment, I have found your pdf some time ago and it's a great resource! I have never used gelatin or isinglass but I think that looking the bcjp guideline this should be mandatory to clean the final beer. Do you know if there is a place where to buy online the typical grodziskie glass? It has a very special design!

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Gelatin is pretty easy to use. Get about half a glass of boiled water (so it's sterilized), wait until temperature drops  below 90C (194F) (something wrong can happen to gelatin if you put it directly to near-boiling temperatures as far as I remember), put about 4-5 grams of gelatin per 20L (5~gal) to the water, stir with sterilized spoon and pour it in you beer (when it's done fermenting ofcourse, you can read in that pdf that they added isinglass when there still was some extract to drop, but I don't think that's a good idea in homebrew conditions). Then it is important to transfer your beer to temperature below 10C (50F). In room temperatures it takes much longer to clarify and sometimes weird things happens with gelatin which you don't want to happen. After that it should be clarified in 3-4 days.
About the glass - the original grodziskie glass is not produced for quite a long time, you can sometimes get it from individual collectors in Poland. Although there is a new glass produced by Fortuna Brewery which has reactivated the original Grodzisk Brewery some time ago. You can get it in a set which looks like this, but I don't think you can buy it abroad, so the only way is to find some polish online beer shop which would be willing to send it abroad or to contact someone to do it for you.

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