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Ostatnia wygrana aldorn w dniu 14 Grudnia 2019

Użytkownicy przyznają aldorn punkty reputacji!

3 obserwujących


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Ostatnie wizyty

2 841 wyświetleń profilu

Osiągnięcia aldorn

  1. W sobotę próbowałem jedną z dwóch butelek z tej warki, odłożoną w czeluści piwniczne. Trochę się bałem, co wyjdzie, a raczej jak szybko wyjdzie z butelki, otwierałem na balkonie. Niepotrzebnie, żadnego przegazowania, sporo wędzonki, klarowność niczym kryształ, tylko trochę goryczka na zbyt małym poziomie. Nie dało się odczuć, że to lekkie jasne piwo ma te swoje już niemalże 4 lata.
  2. Niby tak, ale te tak zwane VOSSy to izolowane wersje komercyjne, ich opisy są w dziale dla drożdży komercyjnych.
  3. Z opisu wynika, że to jeden szczep drożdży i bez bakterii, komercyjnie powinien być to HotHead. Robiłem wiele razy, nie przegazowały się (za wyjątkiem ostatniej warki gdzie weszła infekcji i poza przegazowaniem piwo nie było klarowne). Dają radę nawet w 11-12 stopniach, zrobiłem mały test: podczas fermentacji przeniosłem fermentor do chłodnej piwnicy i dojadły.
  4. Jak na moje doświadczenia, to one bardzo podkręcają aromaty odchmielowe, komponuje się z amerykańskimi chmielami. Poza tym, da się zauważyć lekka kwasowość, w zasadzie jeśli moje obserwacje się potwierdzą, to kwasowość jest tym większa im niższy baling i niższa temperatura fermentacji.
  5. #37 Apynys Owner Vytautas Zybavičiaus Place Kaunas Phenolic Y Kveik N Strains 6 Wort boiled N
  6. #36 Gardsøy Owner Edel Aas Collected by Edel Aas Place Vågå Attenuation 76 % Phenolic Y Kveik N Bacteria N Species Saccharomyces cerevisiae Strains 3 Permissions All rights reserved by owner Provenance: From a yeast ring in a storehouse on the farm of Gardsøy in Vågå, where Anne Øy (dead 1970) used it. Revived by Edel Aas. Not certain if it's the original yeast. Initial fingerprinting indicates it is more closely related to wild yeast than to anything else, and not kveik.
  7. #35 Wollsæter Owner Jørgen Wollsæter Collected by William Holden Place Hellesylt NCYC 4274 Pitch 34.5°C Attenuation 78 % Kveik Y Can be dried Y Harvest top Time to harvest 48 hours Species Saccharomyces cerevisiae Strains 2 Wort boiled N Preservation Dried flakes in cellar Provenance: It comes from the farm of Jørgen Wollsæter in Hellesylt. It had been standing, dried, in the basement for 25 years, but was revived, we think successfully. He got it from his father, and where his father got it from he doesn't know.
  8. #34 Čižas Owner Ramunas Čižas Place Dusetos Kveik N Wort boiled N Provenance: He refuses to talk about the yeast. Documentation: The back story
  9. #33 Su Puta Owner Arturas Gura Place Paliūniškis Kveik N Wort boiled N Provenance: It's the family yeast, which they have from grandfather Jonas Gura. Documentation: The back story
  10. #32 Jovaru Owner Aldona Udriene Place Jovarai Pitch 29.0°C Max ABV 10 % Phenolic Y Kveik N Can be dried Y Wort boiled N Preservation In a jar Provenance: She got the yeast from her grandfather. Where he got it from is not known.
  11. #31 Ner-Saure Owner Einar Saure Place Bjørke Pitch 25.0°C Provenance: They got the yeast from Hornindal in the mid-1970s. Nothing more is known as yet.
  12. #30 Markjene Owner Rasmus S. Otterdal Collected by Lars Marius Garshol Place Otterdalen, Hornindal Can be dried Y Wort boiled N Preservation Dried flakes in cellar Provenance: Their own yeast had gone sour, so they tried yeast from many different sources. He doesn't remember any more which one this was. It's probably different from #23, because they had changed kveik by this time.
  13. #29 Løvoll Owner Ottar Løvoll Collected by Lars Marius Garshol Place Eidsdal NCYC 4361 Pitch 29.0°C Attenuation 82 % Phenolic N Harvest top Fermentation time 48 hours Bacteria Y Species Saccharomyces cerevisiae Strains 3 Permissions Research: Yes, Share with brewers: Yes, Sell commercially: Yes Wort boiled N Preservation Dried flakes Provenance: Ottar Løvoll took this yeast with him when he moved to Ørsta in 1978. Before that he used it on the farm Løvoll in Eidsdal. He inherited the yeast from his father, and he says his grandfather (Karl A. Løvoll, 1870-1953) used the same yeast. He asks that anyone selling it please use the name 'Karl A' for the yeast.
  14. #28 Halvorsgard Owner Bjarne Halvorsgard Collected by Lars Marius Garshol Place Ål Pitch 32.0°C Phenolic Variable Can be dried Y Harvest top Fermentation time 72 hours Species Saccharomyces cerevisiae Strains 6 Wort boiled Y Preservation Dried Provenance: He doesn't know where the yeast comes from. As far as he knows it's always been on the farm. They have often exchanged yeast with Sverre Skrindo, so this may be the same as #27.
  15. #27 Krosshaug Owner Sverre Skrindo Collected by Lars Marius Garshol Place Ål NCYC 4371 Pitch 35.0°C Phenolic Variable Can be dried Y Harvest top Fermentation time 72 hours Species Saccharomyces cerevisiae Strains 6 Wort boiled Y Preservation Dried on cloth Provenance: He got the yeast from his father. His father may have it from the farm Skrindo, or it may have been on the current farm (Krosshaug) all along. He's not sure. They have often exchanged yeast with Halvorsgard, so this may be the same as #28. Sometimes they got yeast from Torstein Jordet in nearby Oppheim.
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