Stout #1
25 Liter Batch
4 kg Munich
450 g Flaked Oats
300 g Carafa II
300 g Roasted Barley
20 g Nugget for 60 Minutes
Danstar Nottingham Yeast
Single Infusion Mash at 69o C for 60 Minutes. Mash out for 10 minutes. Pull first runnings, and batch sparge at mashout temperatures to 29 Liters volume. Boil 60 minutes with only bittering addition. Boil down a portion of the wort in a second pot for carmelized flavors and add back to main batch. Ferment with 1 packet of Danster Nottingham.
Roughly 12 BLG.
I brewed this on 29.11, and bottled it a month later carbonating at 2.1 volumes. I let it sit 11 days and it wasn't quite ready. After 2 weeks some bottles were getting towards good carbonation. Slight astringency to the roasted malts from mashing them instead of adding to sparge. Complements the coffee flavors well. Low bitterness, great roast aroma with no hop aroma. Overall, a fine stout. Will need to brew another stout soon as this won't last long.