Z artykułu wynika, że 180-360 milionów komórek na ml. Tabela 4.
Kalkulator Mr Malty dla wartości 15,5 Blg na 20L pokazuje starter 1 L przy 233 miliardów komórek, ale już 2,77 L przy 360 miliardów komórek, nie do końca rozumiem z jakich wzorów korzysta ten kalkulator.
Edit: W opisie kalkulatora:
For many brewers, there is a limit on how big a starter they can make. When growing yeast for a really big beer, the starter size may be huge. Instead of making a really big starter, you can use more packages of yeast. Every package you add, removes the need to grow another 100 + billion yeast cells. For some brewers, the cost of the yeast is a big factor and they'd rather make a big starter and take a bit more time instead of adding more packages of yeast. You can adjust this slider as you see fit. Set it to whatever best meets your brewing style. The yeast will grow until they reach a limit. That limit is most often nutrient based. The yeast run out of malt sugars, minerals, or oxygen and stop producing more yeast. But don't worry, the calculator adjusts the limits so that you're safe with any setting this slider allows.
Czyli drożdże mnożą się do limitu, a ten limit wyznacza ilość składników pokarmowych.