A możne ktoś pomoże w biegłym tłumaczeniu:
Grains & Extracts:
2 - 3.3 lb (1.5 Kg) cans of Munton's Amber LME
2 lb. HH Amber DME
1.5 lb CaraRed Malt grain, cracked
1.5 lb Belgian CaraMunich grain, cracked
1 lb Belgian Special B grain, cracked
0.5 lb Chocolate grain, cracked
Other Ingredients:
6.6lbs Buckwheat Honey
4.6lbs Raw Clover/Alfalfa Honey
2 oz Vanguard hops (dried, whole)
1 oz Sterling hops (dried, whole)
1 tsp Amylase enzyme
2 11.5 g packets of SafBrew S-33 yeast
Water to make 8 gallons
For the specialty grains I use Wayne's "partial mash", bring 2 gallons of water to a boil, then take off heat, when temp lowers to 175f stir in all the grains, then when it hits 155f stir in 1 tsp of Amylase enzyme, wrap with towels and allow to steep for 1 hour. Then I strained that and steeped in it another gallon of 155f water for a half hour, the strained that (and pressed a bit).
Then I brought the liquid to a boil (had to use 2 pots...) and put in 2oz of Vanguard hops. 40 minutes in I added 1oz of Sterling hops. When it hit an hour I put both pots into ice bath to cool and started trying to scoop out all the hops. This is where I made a mistake and may end up with a much hop-y-er brew than intended, I realized when I was pouring the wort through a strainer into my fermenter that I had accidentally left most of the hops in the liquid for a full extra hour while they cooled... oh boy... we'll see I guess!
Then I made my second mistake, after adding 6.6lbs of buckwheat honey I eye-balled my Clover/Alfalfa addition, aiming for about 3.5lbs, ended up putting in 4.6lbs for a total honey addition of 11.23lbs.
I blended everything together with my trusty lees stirrer, and topped it off to the 8 gallon mark with cool water, aerating well.
SG: 1.096, fair bit higher than Wayne's 1.088, I guess I won't know what ABV it is until I see the FG.
Then I made my 3rd, but not huge, mistake by adding 6g fermaidK pre-pitch. I didn't see anything in Wayne's brewlog about how he rehydrated the yeast, so I just did it in 30 degree C water with about 11g of goferm (didn't want to go for the full 1.5g per g of yeast.. that's a lot of goferm for one brew!). Then I acclimatized the yeast in steps to the 22 degree wort (keep wanting to call it must) and pitched.
It's about 13 hours after pitch now, and I'm not sure if I killed the yeast or if it's fine. There's a thick layer of foam on it, but there has been since before pitch, and I can't hear any bubbling, or see/smell anything decisively fermenting. I hope it's okay, I probably shouldn't be so paranoid but I've never done anything like this recipe before.